Sponsor Flyer

Energy, Efficiency & Electric Expo in Tasmania

Embark on an exciting opportunity with the Australian Electric Vehicle Association as we proudly introduce the Energy, Efficiency and Electric Expo in Tasmania for the first time. This public event promises to be an immersive experience, delving into the realm of everything electric. It serves as an ideal platform for enthusiasts to explore electric vehicles, pose enquiries, and engage in discussions about the advantages of solar power, batteries, and energy-efficient housing.
This Expo provides a unique stage for organisations to showcase their latest products and capabilities to the Tasmanian public. By participating, you not only contribute to the conversation on sustainable energy solutions but also position yourself as a leader in the industry. The benefits extend beyond mere exposure; you have the opportunity to connect with a community that is actively interested and invested in the future of energy.
Tasmania boasts the highest number of electric vehicles per capita in Australia, with a remarkable 2750 electric vehicles. Seizing a prominent role in this Expo allows you to tap into this engaged demographic and leverage the growing interest in environmentally conscious practices.
Join us in taking a leading position at the Energy, Efficiency & Electric Expo, where innovation meets public curiosity. To explore how your organization can connect with consumers and contribute to this dynamic event, please reach out to Kim Murray for further discussions. Don’t miss the chance to be part of a groundbreaking showcase that aligns with the evolving landscape of sustainable technologies.

Embark on a voyage to the EEE Expo with your electric vehicle aboard the Spirit of Tasmania!

Visitors who attend the Energy Efficiency Electric Expo will..

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Reasons to Exhibit