# About Event
About AEVA
About Us
The Australian Electric Vehicle Association
(AEVA) LTD is a volunteer-run, not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the cause of switching Australia’s transport networks to electric drive as quickly as possible.
We all share a common interest in Electric
Vehicles (EVs) and EV technology. Formed
after the oil price shocks of 1973, the AEVA is the longest continuously running EV society in the world.
Our purpose is to provide a forum for social and technical communication in the EV field, create greater awareness of EVs and encourage their use, to foster further research and development in EV technology, and to be an official source of information on EVs in Australia.

Event Overview

#Event Speakers
Meet our first speakers. We're adding more every week.

Workshop We Offer
Vote Papers
Coverage Area
Our lovely client say

Could describe these conceptions, could impress upon paper all that is living so full and warm within me, that it might be the mirror of my soul.

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Successful campaigns usually require a campaign again manager coordinate campaign’s operations. Apart from a candidate the campaign manger is often a the campaign for aparts.